
Quer transar sem camisinha? Então deixa eu ver seu exame

Vida Uberlandia 65984

Semana passada fui fazer meus exames ginecológicos de rotina. É bem isso, né doutora. Mas sabe qual é a bosta? E mais: quantos você conhece que fazem exame de HPV com frequência? No caso dos homens, o grupo de risco seria o gay. É por transar. Quanto mais cuidados tomar, menores as chances. E tem muita gente que tem medo — chegando ao ponto de ter vergonha de fazer exame. Tudo isso por quê?

Quer transar sem camisinha? Então deixa eu ver seu exame - AzMina

Once more, the insurance industry registered double-digit growth, expanding the customers base and its significant contribution to society. Furthermore, the insurance companies have strengthened investments in actions intended for financial education and communication campaigns aiming at raising the awareness of Brazilian people in relation to the importance of the insurance, open private pension, supplementary health and capitalization. Thus, always filled with the spirit of cooperation with the Government and society, CNseg made efforts to broaden the dialogue channels with governmental authorities, regulatory and consumer protection bodies. We have no doubt that maintain the path of sustained growth of recent years is the great challenge to be faced by the market. And that means, also concentrating efforts to form new generations of insurance employees and brokers, building and consolidating the insurance culture. We know that many things depend on the socio and economic scenario of the country, but there are several factors directly associated with the way we work. There is no doubt that Brazil presents many opportunities for the insurance market development and, increasingly, our role is to seek these possibilities for expansion.

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