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Compositor da letra: Alceu Valença. Ano de lançamento: Falemos do tal anjo:. Stuart era filho do americano Norman Jones e de Zuleika Angel Jones, mais conhecida como Zuzu Angel, figurinista e estilista conhecida internacionalmente.

Em destaque

Contemporary literature has opened doors for the discussion of subjects that were previously considered as improper and motivators of social scandals, as is the case of sexuality, object of study of the present work, which seeks to show the representation of female sexuality in The House of Passion , by Nélida Piñon. It is a bibliographical research, qualitative, explanatory and for its realization, if necessary authors of the fields of psychology, sociology and historians like Jung , Freud , Foucault , Bergamasco , Moniz , among others so important for such reflections. In the end, it was verified that the female sexuality in the work is represented in the character Marta, in her journey of self-affirmation and discoveries, showing herself a woman ahead of her time, who escapes from the paradigms imposed by the patriarchal society in which she lives, driven by their personal and sexual interests and desires. Esta obra distingue-se especialmente, pelo simbolismo que permeia o enredo. A obra se desenvolve com a predominância de apenas quatro sujeitos, que, unidos em conflitos e descobertas, tornam-se arquetípicos, atemporais. Para Piñon, de fato, a força criadora do sexo deveria estar em evidencia. E isto se torna claro quando se tem o amadurecimento de Marta a partir das experiências que tem com Antônia e que se nega a ter, embora veladamente deseje.

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